Sunday, May 26, 2013

End of Spring Update

This year, I have cross trained, cross trained, and cross trained some more. I have done weights, an at home Combat program, yoga, cardio classes, and now a leg/ butt specific program.

Have I ran? A little bit. I still try to get a couple runs in a week. I'm not specifically training for a race, nut I'm training to make my legs stronger. After my knee issues, I wanted to focus on getting stronger so I can run without a brace of some sort again. I want to run faster and better without feeling like an old lady.

Have I seen progress? Yes. On my runs, I often have to hold back because I'm afraid my of reinjury. Most of all, my average pace is 10mm, which used to be my fastest ever. I often see 9:15-9:30 paces on my Polar tracking.

I've even done another 5k recently, mainly on trails. My finish time was the same as my last 5k in 2012.

The best result: awesome looking legs that are stronger than before.

Have you ever focused on strengthening instead of just running? What were your results?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Post No-Race Blues

Yesterday was a major race day, not only here in DFW with the Cowtown, but the Disney Princess Half was yesterday as well as many other races like the New Orleans Rock 'n' Roll. My Facebook newsfeed has been full of expo pics, meet ups, pre-during, and after race pics since Friday, and my heart breaks. I should be racing again. I know the face that I am currently not racing is my decision, but that pang is still there as I see a majority of the people I know racing and loving it.

I haven't talked much about it, but as you can tell from my almost regular weekly posts, I'm only running an average of 10 miles per week. I decided I would use the winter to focus on strengthening in order to run better. My knee is doing better all the time, but I still have the fear of pushing it too far.

I've been using the new Combat program from Beachbody since January 2 to get overall body strength. My arms, back, and core are getting a major difference, but my hips are getting stronger too, which makes a huge difference in my running and the pressure on my knee. I'm glad it's working. The 60 day program ends next week, so we'll see how amping up my runs go in a a couple of weeks.

Have you ever taken some time off running to build strength or specific conditioning? What did you decided to do, and how did you handle the "racer's jealousy"?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Liebster Award...Good Ole Blog Fun

On Friday, Pam at PAMdemonium chose me to receive the Liebster Award after she received it from To Hab and to Hold 
Liebster  {German} n. sweetheart, beloved person, darling.
Here is how it works ….
  1. Someone chooses you.
  2. You tell 11 things about yourself.
  3. You answer 11 questions.
  4. You choose 11 bloggers and ask 11 questions that they’ll answer.
11 Things About Me

  1. I have two back tattoos that I'm currently working onto combining into one big back piece.
  2. I absolutely love the beach. Just because I haven't gone in a while doesn't mean I don't dream about it every day.
  3. I have six siblings. Four brothers, one deceased, and one sister, who is becoming a really great friend too.  
  4. I find art in almost everything. Music, running, fitness, cooking, even organization.
  5. I hated cooking when I was younger. Now my food posts are my most popular on Facebook.
  6. I miss our Golden Retriever, Zoe. I loved having her around.
  7. I'm not a shy person, well, at first I might be, but once I open up....beware.
  8. I live my dream job.
  9. I love inspiring and helping people with their fitness journey.
  10. I want to be a girlie girl sometimes, but I really don't know how. Lessons anyone?
  11. My favorite color is red. Love, love, love RED

11 Questions To Answer
  1. What is your favorite exercise? Oh this is hard to answer, but running truly feeds my soul.
  2. How many children do you have? Two boys. T is 12, and the Cy-Guy is 6.
  3. What is your favorite memory as a child? Just playing with my older brothers.
  4. If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be? Greece
  5. What do you want to be remembered for? That I made a difference in one person's life.
  6. Why do you blog? Usually to get out what I can't say in statuses or tweets.
  7. What is your greatest achievement? Leaving my desk job and working for myself.
  8. Favorite tv show? I have to choose between Vampire Diaries and Army Wives?
  9. Describe yourself in one word. Determined.
  10. How long have you been married/dating/single? I've been married for 13 years. My anniversary was on February 11th.
  11. Share a favorite memory of you & I. Pam and I have mainly been virtual friends for quite awhile, but the fact that she chose me to guide her to her biggest goal humbles me every single day.
The Bloggers I Have Chosen {In No Particular Order}
  1. Climb Run Lift Mom
  2. Pumpkin to Princess
  3. Runner's Ramblings
  4. Miss Molly Motivates
  5. Undone At the Seams
  6. Run Timmaay Run
  7. Alwine Adventures
11 Questions To Answer
  1. What is your favorite way to de-stress?
  2. Do you have pets?
  3. What is your favorite memory?
  4. Your favorite place to vacation?
  5. What do you want to be remembered for?
  6. Why do you blog?
  7. What is your greatest achievement?
  8. Favorite movie?
  9. Describe yourself in one word.
  10. How long have you been blogging?
  11. Share how we met.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mamavation Monday: February 18

I seriously don't know what's wrong with me lately. I think I've lost that thing in my head that keeps me organized and on schedule. Every day is different, but only the weekly routine remains somewhat similar. The thought of hiring someone just to tell me what to do when and be where at what time has even crossed my mind. So, here's my exercise check in (or what I plan on doing this week):

Monday: Taught my YogaStretch class & Les Mills Combat, either a class at the gym or at home.
Tuesday: Short am run, and Combat Lower Body Lean Out at home. I might hit an evening class at the gym before my walk group.
Wednesday: Combat 60 LIVE and yoga, then a short run while the Cy-Guy has soccer practice.
Thursday: Combat HIIT Power and Inner Warrior Stretch and walk (actually run intervals) with my neighbor.
Friday: Combat Power Kata and yoga class at a new place I'm trying out with my friend Jessica
Saturday: Combat HIIT Plyo and Core Attack with a short run beforehand.
Sunday: 5+ mile run and Combat 60 LIVE

Let's hope I stay on schedule this week. What's your schedule looking like?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mamavation Monday: Jury Duty Week

I totally spaced on last week's check in post and this week....JURY DUTY (insert foreboding theme music here). Yes, I got selected to sit on a panel for this entire lovely week, but you're not here to listen to me gripe about jury duty. Wait, one gripe, I can't stand sitting for so long. I've only been gone from my desk job for a month and my body can't stand so much sitting already! I'm pretty bummed I'm missing all my classes this week, but the law calls and I abide.

Anywho...I know I stayed on track last week and even got some mileage in! Here's my Daily Mile link for last week.

Here's my goal for this week...even with 8 hour days in jury duty this week

Monday: Rest Day. I was wiped.
Tuesday: A.M. Workout – Combat Upper Body Blow Out. P.M. Workout - Combat 60: Extreme Cardio Fighter
Wednesday: Combat 60 LIVE and Core Attack. Plus a walk or run in the evening too.
Thursday: Combat Lower Body Lean Out, Inner Warrior, and walk group.
Friday: Combat 45 Power Kata.
Saturday: Combat Upper Body Blow Out and Core Attack and Combat 60 LIVE
Sunday: Sunday morning Buddy Run. I hit 6.88 miles last week, so I'm going to do an even seven this week.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mamavation Monday. January 15

I guess I pushed myself hard last week. I haven't been feeling too hot this week so far. I am on the mend, so that's a good thing. I'm still pushing hard in my Combat challenge group. I've also been on a Reset diet since January 2, so getting used to foods that are purely fueling and cleansing is something that has been a bit wearing on my body.

Here's my workouts for last week:

Monday: Les Mills Combat Lower Body Lean Out and teach Silver Sneakers Yoga Stretch class (DONE!)
Tuesday: Combat HIIT: Plyo and Inner Warrior (Last Saturday's workout)
Wednesday: Les Mills Combat 60 Ultimate Warrior's Workout. It was really raining, so no run.
Thursday: Combat HIIT: Power and Inner Warrior (Stretch). Then observed (take) a Silver Sneakers MSROM class, and walked with my neighbor.
Friday: Combat 30 LIVE and Core Attack. (That Core Attack is intense.) I also did a 1 mile test run for my knee on the treadmill.
Saturday: Combat HIIT: Power and Inner Warrior
Sunday: 3.14 mile run with my running buddy. It was an awesome run, and my knee felt wonderful!

Here's what's going on this week:

Monday: Combat Power Kata (makeup for Sunday) and Upper Body Blow Out. Taught my SSYoga Stretch class.
Tuesday: Rest day. I totally needed this because I have not been on my A game.
Wednesday: Combat 60: Extreme Cardio Fighter. Scheduled an evening run with running buddy.
Thursday: Combat HIIT: Power and Inner Warrior, MSROM class, and walk group.
Friday: Combat 60. Not sure if I'm going to do Extreme Cardio Fighter again or the Ultimate Warrior's Workout.
Saturday: Combat HIIT: Power and Inner Warrior
Sunday: Combat 30 and Core Attack as well as a run with the buddy. Hoping for 5 this week.

I'm really excited to see how this last week of the Reset diet will energize my body. I'll make sure to let you know how it turns out.

How's your week turning out so far?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mamavation, Tuesday: January 8

That's it. I'm scheduling phone alarms from here on out to write more. I really don't know what my deal is, and I need to write more. I need to give you my readers more content about me and I need to write because that's how I process. Here's my weekly Mamavation post:

Here's my workouts for last week:

Monday: Les Mills Combat Kick Start 30 and taught Silver Sneakers Yoga Stretch class 
Tuesday: Nada...New Years Relaxation.
Wednesday: Les Mills Combat Kick Start 30
Thursday: Combat HIIT: Power and Inner Warrior (Stretch); 2.34 mile walk with my walk group.
Friday: Combat 30 and Core Attack. Then, taught YogaStretch.
Saturday: I was in Dallas most of the day and had unexpected company so no workout for me.
Sunday: 2.81 mile run with the running buddy and Combat 45 Power Kata

Here's what I've got in store for this week!

Monday: Les Mills Combat Lower Body Lean Out and teach Silver Sneakers Yoga Stretch class (DONE!)
Tuesday: Combat HIIT: Plyo and Inner Warrior (Last Saturday's workout)
Wednesday: Les Mills Combat 60 Ultimate Cardio Fighter and evening run with the buddy if it's not pouring down rain.
Thursday: Combat HIIT: Power and Inner Warrior (Stretch). Then observe (take) a Silver Sneakers MSROM class.
Friday: Combat 30 and Core Attack. 
Saturday: Combat HIIT: Plyo and Inner Warrior
Sunday: Run day and Combat HIIT: Plyo and Inner Warrior

I'm feeling fatigued in my knee, which I know is good, because of all of the squatting and kicks I'm getting in with the Les Mills Combat. Foam rolling has also become my new best friend and we have a date every night before bed. 

How is your week looking? Please share.