Today is a crazy, but wonderful, day!

- Today begins a running challenge in my online Running Moms group. Running Moms 343. As a group, we're running at least 343 miles between today and September 11 to honor each firefighter who lost their life saving other on 09/11/01.
- P90X2 is now available for pre-order until midnight on September 5.Seriously, athletes and people with highly active lifestyles will benefit from this new workout in so many ways. 5 day workout program designed to improve your core, balance, stamina, well, everything really! If you are even remotely interested, pre-order through my coach site. You get free shippingand have guaranteed delivery before Christmas.

- Lastly, while I'm all swept away with P90X2 and getting mileage in as well as thinking all about Ironman to plan the Cy-Guy's 5th birthday, T (insert huge sigh and head hung low) is talking about"this girl" in some of his classes. I am very aware that this was supposed to happen, but really, in the second week of school? I do remember this is the age where I became extremely aware of boys, but I thought since I had boys, I might have had a couple of extra years before all this. Honestly, there's enough hormones in the house with P and me acting like 20-somethings most of the time, but to add the complexity of a pre-teen in the house...that's a complicated mix. Well, as I tell my boys, it's time to "suck it up'.
You have to learn the simple techniques of eating for the purpose of abdominal exercise. I suggest you start eating smaller meals every 3 hours.