Follow along as this wannabe supermom kicks ass at racing, fitness, mommyhood and life in general!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
New "Rest" Day Activity

Monday, December 13, 2010
Revisiting 2010 Goals
Surprisingly, I was not bothered at the fact that I did not meet most of my goals. The overachiever in me kept her mouth shut. Ha. The only one I was bummed about was my "10 races in 2010" goal. I ran two, but I told myself since I took a good six weeks off during my actual racing "season" to work on family issues, I still did pretty good. Two is better than none, right?
I realized, though, the reason I'm not bothered by meeting all my goals. I kicked ass this year. I ran every chance I got and could make myself get out there to hit the pavement. I ran my heart out during a very dark and hard year for me. I tried new things, such as new races and running with new people. I ran, and that is all that matters.
I'm proud of myself for this past year, even though I know I'm not the best runner out there. The better runners make me want to be a better runner and inspire me to keep getting out there. The better runners help me not to give up and rely on that inner strength that is getting stronger each and every day.
In my book...I totally rocked 2010.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Running the Hard One
I started out just fine; glad of my decision to run today. My mind cleared as always and about mile 2, the emotions took over. I fought tears for a tenth of a mile and then crumbled, literally, on the side of the road. The feelings of loss and sadness for our family overtook me to a point to where I could not take yet another step. After wiping tears away and sitting in the sun, the wind whispered to me..."Get up. Get up and run."
And I did. I got up, took one step and another. I realized that with every step I ran, I embodied our family surviving, moving on despite the loss, despite the sadness. In a sense, this run was not just a tribute to him, his service, his courage. It was also a run to our family and every single person who knew and loved him that keep living life, just as he would want.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Remembering Why
On December 4, 2008, my stepbrother, John Jared Savage was killed in Mosul, Iraq, just a mere four days before coming home for good. When we should have been celebrating, we were shedding tears of loss and grief. When we should have been hugging him and thanking God for his safe return, we were mourning over a closed casket and wondering why God let this happen.
His death happened to make us stronger people. His death made me a stronger person. His death has pushed me every step I have run since then. His death has made me prove to myself that I can do things I thought not possible. In a sense, his death gave me a way to find myself, find my life.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Running Buddies
Every once in a while, I do wish for someone to occasionally run beside me, chat with, share minute-by-minute support, kind of a social fun run. I thought of joining an actual running group on their monthly social runs, but I'm hesitant, even though I have no idea why.
I think my wish is coming true. In the last week, a couple of people have come to me asking about getting together for runs. Of course, I am excited, but the kicker for me...these people want me, little ol' me, involved in their fitness progression. That in itself makes the helper in me happy, but kicks up my motivation for my own personal workouts.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Advantages of 5 a.m. Runs
1. It's dark. No sun = decent temperatures. In the Texas summers, everyone yearns for decent temps.
2. Traffic is at a bare minimum. I can run in the middle of the road if I like. On some streets I actually have to in order to save my ankles. At 5 a.m., I don't have to zig-zag back and forth to the sidewalk and the road for vehicles.
3. Mark one off the list. It's one less thing on my 'To-Do' list. Done, checked off, all before 6 o'clock in the morning and a cup of coffee.
4. Moonlight. I don't know what it is, there's just something awesome about running with the moon still up.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Why I Love Running
1. Free Therapy. Most runners I know will agree, especially the mothers. Running gives me the chance to work through things, especially things I may not be ready to talk about with anyone.
2. Natural anti-depressant. This is true with most forms of exercise, but I have found running produces the best results for me. Running balances me, lifts my mood, calms my temper...oye, I could go on for hours.
3. My "Alone" time. As an instinctive hermit, I probably need more alone time than most people. Although with my family and schedule, it is usually more of a dream and not quiet a reality. Even a quick run can clear my mind and provide me with "quiet" and solitude my spirit needs. I get to a point in my runs where my mind just opens and all I zone in on are my feet connecting with the pavement or trail or even the treadmill, one by one, step after step, while notes and tunes fill my ears and push me to step a little bit faster.
4. Constant Improvement. Running is something someone can always improve at. Lest it be time, form, weight loss, you name it...improvement is made. When a person takes the chance and utilizes something to improve his or her personal being, great things will happen.
5. True Self. When I run, I am Carin, just me. I am not Mommy, partner, employee, student, writer, crafter, friend, daughter, giver, cleaner, Ms. Fix-it, etc., etc. I am just a woman running, striding along a path where the world seems to stand still.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Warrior Dash
The Warrior Dash was an experience of a lifetime. 3.5 miles of running, obstacles, and fun. It definitely taxed different muscle groups compared to a normal run. Between large fans, mud pits, climbs, swims, and fire jumping, this race thoroughly kicked racing into a new level for me.
I did get tired, constantly switching between my running groove to an obstacle. The log roll was difficult because the water got deeper and I had to tread water often to try and lift myself over the log with no lake bottom to push off of. The mud pits were hard, not to get through, just the running in mud after. I am totally not complaining, but it was just something different for me.
My time officially posted as 46:47.50, but this was a fun run and a "can I do it?" run for me. I did stop to help a couple of women and to take a family's picture. I'm sure I lost a few minutes there. I still had a blast, and I'll definitely do the Warrior Dash and other mud runs again.
Check out a few pics I posted.
Pre-race getup in decals and viking hat.
Me jumping fire...the next to last obstacle
Totally loving the mud pit
Finished; Complete with medal and mud bath!
Post rinse, not that it helped much.
Post race FREE beer
Kilometers for Kodi 5K
It's amazing what one small race community can do when one of there own is in need. Kodi Tutt is an 5-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with neuroblastoma, an aggressive type of cancer. The small town of Sanger, Texas, the town I work in, had pulled together all sorts of fundraisers for her family and her treatment. Kilometers for Kodi was the 5K fundraiser for her.
For me, this was the first race of the year. After so-so training, but regular running, I was excited, but nervous. I had recently PR'd on a 5K at 36 minutes, so I was confident. Yet, I was not used to morning heat, and battling soreness from the previous weekend's soccer game. With also battling not-so-great streets, I did end up walking some and having to readjust my shoe twice. I still timed out at 45 minutes with my hubs and kiddos watching me...which was a first.
I felt okay about the time, but it wasn't about the time for this race. The support and money donation were more important.
Months of Running
Monday, March 8, 2010
Personal Best
I logged 10 miles last week, and hoping to log at least 12.5 this week. Let's hope!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Stress Run
Today, I had a pure stress run though. Dealing with allergies, work and mental things I could not get out of my head, I hit that gym with a vengeance. I had to be pushed because I really wasn't feeling it at first, but the moment I walked in, I realized I was right where I needed to be. I only had time to do a thirty minute run, but I pushed myself harder than I've pushed in quite awhile.
I didn't think at all. I turned up my music as loud as my ears would let me, and I ran. I ran through the stress; I ran the pain of my muscles burning, even ran through the cloud of doubt to make an improvement today. I was there to just clear out my mind, sweat it out and make myself tired.
I succeeded too. I left the gym more ragged than a Raggedy Ann doll. Afterward, I came home, drank my favorite recovery drink (chocolate milk), sat down and logged my miles. Within 10 minutes of getting home, I felt clear. I pushed out the stress.
I love stress runs.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Run, Lift, Stretch, Repeat.
My favorite new friend? The pre-programmed runs. It makes me work or I fall off. It adds the little bit of variety I need to keep running. The incline, the resistance, the speed changes. I like them. I like them enough to consider running indoors a bit more. Considering I hate the treadmill and would rather run outside, but the weather is just a bit iffy in March, I'm up at the rec center, running like a hamster in her cage. I'm okay with that though.
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Year Later
Lately, I've been beating myself up for gaining pounds instead of losing. It was my own fault. Skipping workouts to relax from a busy schedule. It's no excuse. I need the exercise, and this month I vowed to attack my workouts like I attack on the soccer field.
Yet, as I was updating my weight log, I took a look back to the first time I entered my weight on the log. March 23, 2009. I was at 165 and could barely run without stopping for walks. Fast forward to March 1, 2010. I'm at 148...still 17 pounds less than a year ago, even with the gain. 22 pounds less than when I started in January of last year. I'm playing soccer again. I'm running 3-5 miles easily. I'm running races. I do 30 minute weight sessions. I do an hour of yoga. My "workout" schedule is renamed my "training" schedule. No, I'm nowhere where I wanted to be by this time, which was gearing up to run a half marathon. I've postponed my half marathon a month or two, but I'm gearing up for a 5K and a Warrior Dash this Spring. A half marathon IS in my near future.
So, when I take a long look at the big picture. I have become successful. Losing weight is the easy part.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Training of Late
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Midweek of Full Week #1 in 2010
Tonight, I did a short run with weights and a core workout afterwards.
Tomorrow, I'm planning on a treadmill run at the rec center while my son is at his karate session. Saturday, I'm planning a longer morning run. I think 4.5 miles will do. Sunday, I plan for a maintenance run of 2-3 miles. I need to keep it short just in case I have a soccer practice pop up. Yes, it's pre-season right now.
Weight: I fluctuated over the holidays from 143-149. With watchful eating geared to my runs and my diligent workout schedule, I am currently sitting at 144.5. I honestly think my scale is wigging out on me because I don't "feel" 144.5, but I weighed in several different spots with the same result. I try to convince myself that it's about fitness and my running right now, but I cannot help to still eye that number everyday with scrutiny.
Update to come on Sunday after my longer runs this weekend.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Training Update #...I've lost track.
Yet, I do have a change in the training news. After 4 days of bitter cold (highly unusual for Texas) weather and suffering the migraine that came with it, I get to run tonight...outdoors! It's almost funny to get this excited over it, just like my kiddos over dessert or something. I truly cannot wait for 5 p.m., just so I can get home to run. I do not own a treadmill, mainly due to space, but I do not like the hamster-in-the-round-cage feeling. Therefore, weather dictates my running plans. Weather determines whether I run outdoors bundled up like a lunatic or I lock myself away for 30 minutes, at least, to do strength training.
Think of me during your evening commute, dinner plans, sitcom watching, or whatever you may be doing this evening. Think of me in thermal layers, running in low 50° weather, striding to the tunes of Chevelle, thankful I get the chance to run.
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010 Begins
A training schedule begins tomorrow with strength training and a re-acquaintance run. Sunday follows with a long run. I must remain diligent to meet my goals for 2010.
My 2010 goals.
- Train everyday.
- Run 10 races.
- Run a minimum of 2010 K (thanks to an online challenge I joined)
- Run my first half-marathon in the Big D races in April.
- Participate in my first Warrior Dash on May 1.
- Incorporate more cross training (biking and swimming) to improve my runs.
- Learn more about my nutrition to become a better athlete.