While I seem to still be on the recouping list from this kidney situation, I thought it would be appropriate to brag tell you about the three people I hold fiercely near and dear to my heart, who also happen to support me in all my crazy running adventures.
- P:
My husband of 12+ years, who's ridden (sometimes by the whites of his knuckles) on the roller coaster of our life and marriage. This guy works hard by day, rocks by night, and still manages to be a pretty great husband and dad. This is also the guy who barely left my side for four days while my body went through kidney hell and is still stepping up in immeasurable ways to make sure I recover completely.
- T:
My amazing 11-year-old. This kid really can do it all.He's terribly brilliant academically (three years ago, his I.Q. had surpassed mine by 4 points already, and I'm a pretty smart chica). T not only has a penchant for the physics and know-how of things, he also inherited the musical talent from both of his parents. With a thirst for the rhythm and the opportunities for expression, his vocal and instrumental talents encompass different genres of music as well as different avenues of creating his music. He's even voiced the possibility of a violin centered rock band on several occasions. To top it off, he's
created his athletic niche within the martial arts arena. Now as an Advanced Second Degree Purple belt, he loves to spar and utilize the fast and furious techniques in the ring.
- The Cy-Guy:
My 4-year-old wonder. This little guy is one clever dude. He's irresistibly charming and makes everyone I know, including myself, smile(even despite his temper tantrums and scowls). He truly brings joy to everyone he meets and knows. He has a knack for making friends and loves adventure. Although his daredevil ways refuse to join us at mealtime, he rarely finds obstacles that can't be jumped, swung from, slid into, climbed on, you name it. He makes me wonder if Evel Knievel was in our blood lines somewhere. He will be the one that shocks and awes us in everything he does. I cannot wait to see the type of person this little guy will grow up to be in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, and more!
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